Monday, October 13, 2008


My apologies for not updating sooner, no web access until now. Yesterday I completed the marathon in 4 hours, 19 minutes, and 23 seconds. That is a pace of 9:53 per mile. When we began training my goal was 10 minute miles so I came in just under that. My pace at the 10k and 30k mark(9:39p/m) was exactly the same which was surprisingly good.

Praise the Lord for the strength and endurance to run 26 miles! Thinking back on it this morning, I'm amazed that our bodies can handle something like that.

Today I'm a little sore especially my right knee and one my toes. My knee felt great for the first half of the race but as the miles wore on the knee got pretty sore. I'm looking forward to now letting it heal properly! My toe is nasty. I think the whole toenail is about to fall off and the whole upper part of the toe is black and blue. Beyond that my body feels pretty good this morning considering what I did yesterday =)

Throughout the race my lungs/cardio felt great. I was never winded or felt my heart racing. My legs were tired around mile 20 but got a good jolt from the crowd around mile 21. Speaking of the spectators, I was amazed at the number of people cheering. It was really incredible. Crowds lined the streets for much of the race cheering and giving high 5's. And they are looking for something/someone to cheer for so I had fun with that a couple of times. My running partner, Chad, and I sometimes waved our arms up and down to get them going! It gave us energy. So kudos to all you spectators out there!

I have some pictures and videos to post later today when I get back home.

A big thank you to all who prayed for me this past week/weekend. My cold was totally gone, and I was able to run the whole thing. I only walked for about 10 seconds through one of the last water stops. Praise the Lord!


Erin said...

Yea! We loved the updates! Good for you - come home and party with us!

bfisk said...

Thanks Erin. Now that I'm past the marathon I can actually stay out late sometime since the 5am training runs are over!