Thursday, April 24, 2008

If you read this...leave a comment!

Okay all you blog browsers...I'm looking for words that rhyme with "ignite." Any and all words will do such as "sight," "light," and "kite." How many can you come up with?


Jennifer said...

delight, height, dynamite, polite............that's as far as I can think before I need to go chase boys!

Anonymous said...

Go here for a bunch of ideas:

Anonymous said...

erudite, contrite, excite, blight, Israelite.

Erin said...

invite, slight, byte, delight, white, plight, knight, excite, light, kite, right, fight, height, sight, bite, write, alright, site, tight, rite, might, quite, slight, uptight, blight, fright, knight, bright, stalagmite and stalagtite...
bright, flight, height, light, might, night, right, sight, slight, tight.
is there a prize for this game? :)

bfisk said...

If there were a prize, Erin, you would have won it. Did you ever consider a career in boggle?

Although funke used a word I didn't know so points for her. "erudite" characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly: an erudite professor; an erudite commentary.

And Nicole cheated by using Google =) That list is impressive!

Thank you all for your comments thus far!

Terra said...

Smite, insight, night, write, rite. :)