Wednesday, May 13, 2009

88 million

88 million votes? Seriously? 88 million people voted for the next American Idol and its not even the final yet?


I flipped on the TV tonight (which is a rarity in my world) and saw the last half of Idol. What is so appealing about that show? Watching it for 30 minutes I pondered why everyone is so "into" idol. I sometimes turn on the radio in the morning and it seems like every station is talking about the latest idol buzz.

Do we as Christians buy into the Idol mantra? Do we cling to a little not-so-respectable sin such as Idol gossip? Does it become an idol in our lives?

We so often try to find things in life to fulfill us, when nothing and no one can ever fill us, except for Christ. American "Idols" come and go. Fame is fleeting. But Christ is everlasting. As hard as we try, none but Christ can satisfy.

Who is your idol?


Terra said...

I think the appeal (spoken as an admitted Idol-addict) is the idea that an every day average joe person can "overnight" be something bigger then themselves. It's apart of our God-nature to want to make a lasting impression/impact on our world and apart of our sin nature to want fame and glory for it. :) The true test on an Idol winner is how they live their lives after the show. Not all have proven "worthy".

truthbtold said...

God wants us to share our gifts with the world and I believe the participants on AI are trying to do that. If even just one can touch the heart of someone else, to uplift them with their God given gift of voice, it's a small miracle. Someone who has lost God, may feel hopeful and led back to him by listening to the voice of an angel sing.

Hareem said...

You are right. when people do not have religion in their lives, they try filling them up with all sorts of stuff....which actually never works, and might lead to all sorts of problems, from crumbling family structures, to social problems and personal dilemmas. Kicking out religion from the front door is basically the main cause for the decline of values and structure in our society today. However true religion is only the one that does not raise ANY questions inside you. cuz you really cant satisfy every question with "its faith. you just have to believe. no questions asked", you know what i mean? There just has to be a logical answer to what you are believing in. and if it is in fact THE religion, your heart will testify to the answer the mind has given. or someone else has, for that matter :)