Do you ever take time to reflect on what you have learned from your past experiences and think about how it will impact your life in the future? Do you ever take time to cast a vision for your future? Or do you go through life aimlessly going about your day with little thought for the future?
Often this time of year we hear about New Year resolutions and how we are going to change our lives, but how many of us truly keep those more than a couple of weeks? Maybe your most recent resolutions are already fading into a distant memory.
I believe the start of a new year is a great time to take a day or two and truly ponder your future. Cast a vision, set some specific achievable goals, and then put a plan into place to actually do it.
One year ago I did some of this vision casting in my own life. Looking back on the recently concluded year, I see some wonderful change and accomplishments in my life. In February I committed to running a marathon in October. After many months of training I was able complete the Chicago marathon by the grace of God. At the beginning of 2008 the Holy Spirit re-kindled a flame within me to help start a college and career ministry at our church. After much prayer and several meetings/discussions with like-minded young adults, ignite was born. And to this day I give praise to the Lord for how he has blessed this ministry...far beyond what I ever imagined.
I share with you these examples for two reasons. One, to bring glory to God through what HE has accomplished thru me the last 12 months. Two, to encourage you to set some specific goals and a plan for achieving them in your life for 2009.
The last couple of weeks I have been pondering this question for my life in 2009. What would the Lord have me focus my time and energy on? Among other things I have come up with three goals for the upcoming year:
- Learn how to play the guitar
- Read through the Bible
- Go on a missions trip
How will you redeem your time in 09? Think about it.